The Top Pilates Tips You Need To Know Now!
When you exercise or have a Pilates session with us, we aren’t just plainly exercising. We are doing this so you can create a habit. This habit will benefit you in the long run and we have amazing tips you can follow to make this habit work for you!
So check out this blog and you will be good to go. Don’t just read it, though, be sure to keep it in mind whenever you schedule a Zoom class with us or have an on-site session. These will help you navigate your health and wellness journey easily!
Make your me-time super-effective
We put so much focus on what kids need because they demand it! You know taking some time out to refresh your own body and spirit needs to happen. But how do you fit exercise in, and how do you stay motivated when there’s so much on your plate?
Consider this: The time you spend at Studio Evolve could actually help you feel like you have more time in your day. Regular exercise has a whole host of benefits - it improves mood and sleep, and reduces stress and anxiety. With Pilates and Gyrotonic sessions, you learn how to notice how your body feels in the moment. Using this technique can help you feel more present and grounded, even when your day throws you for a loop.
““I cannot say enough good things about my years working with my instructor at Studio Evolve. She has helped me so much on my path to be the most “ME” I can be. Working together we have transformed my body into one that I feel I actually am living in, not just taking up space in. Every session is different and tuned specifically to what is going on with my body (and brain!) on a given day. ” ”
Strengthen your spine & protect your brain
Plus: Exercise changes the brain to protect memory and thinking skills. In a study done at the University of British Columbia, researchers found that regular aerobic exercise of moderate intensity - anything that gets your heart pumping so you break out in a light sweat - appears to boost the size of the hippocampus, the brain area involved in verbal memory and learning.
We can definitely help you get some cardio in - just (literally) hop on one of our Reformer jump boards! Plus, Pilates and Gyrotonic sessions build deep foundational strength and alignment that will make other forms of exercise more enjoyable.
Plan your week ahead of time.
Making a private sessions appointment or reserving a spot in a class can be the extra motivation you need to work out. It’s easy to decide there are other things to do before going to the gym. Knowing your teacher is waiting at the studio, ready to guide you as your explore what your body needs today, can provide the structure necessary to make exercise a habit.
When every day feels like it has a million moving parts, it’s nice to know you can cross “figure out how to exercise/move my body well” off the list - instead, you can hire a professional to cover it.
These are very basic tips but your life will be so much easier once you follow them!
Ready to put a feel-good movement session on your calendar?