How to help your clients get free from persistent pain

Whether you’re a bodyworker, a PT, a Pilates teacher, or any other kind of practitioner, you are GREAT at helping your clients reduce and resolve chronic pain.

But there are some clients who can’t seem to find lasting relief, even when you apply all the tools you’ve got.

You care so much and love what you do - which makes it all the more frustrating when it feels like it’s not working.

For some folks, the key to unlocking lasting structural change and reducing pain lies in understanding the difference between MECHANICAL patterns and SOMATIC patterns.

Both types of patterning can lead to pain and discomfort, and manifest with similar symptoms.

But MECHANICAL patterns follow predictable physical principles, like a faulty hinge.

Whereas SOMATIC patterns are the body's intelligent response to a past experience, not necessarily located in the affected area.

When you apply mechanical principles to clients whose pain is primarily somatic in origin, their pain tends to persist.

In order to support these folks in feeling maximum freedom in their bodies, you need to learn the art of discerning between mechanical and somatic issues.

And that’s EXACTLY what we’re going to teach you to do in…

Unleash Your Bodywork Potential: Unveiling Somatic Solutions

Offered Quarterly - Next Workshop - Sat Sept 14, 2024, 11am-3pm

We cannot wait to help you elevate your practice and transform your clients’ lives!

P.S. This workshop is limited to eight participants to maximize attention from your teacher


Pilates for Mental Wellness: Brie's Story


8-Minute Foam Roller Video with Chelsea!