Who The Accelerator is For

Our Accelerator clients are surfing big changes in their lives…

We designed The Accelerator for folks who want to be held in a container of deep support and accountability.

Many of our Accelerator clients are surfing BIG changes in their lives - and we LOVE helping these courageous folks care for their bodies so that they can stay steady as they continue to make moves towards the lives they most want to live.

If you are:

  • Ready to blast through a plateau you’ve reached - physical or emotional

  • Looking for a powerful reset for your self-care

  • Leaving your job or starting a new one

  • Launching your own business, or going through a big up-level in the one you already have

  • Entering retirement

  • Adjusting to life as a new parent

  • Adjusting to life as an empty-nester or with more independent kids

  • Getting married or moving in with your partner

  • Ending a relationship or going through a divorce

  • Recovering from a recent injury or surgery

  • …and you want to claim the moment to establish routines that will help you get stronger, improve your energy levels, and gain confidence in your body WITHOUT tweaking your injuries or burning out, The Accelerator may be for you.

The Accelerator is a 4-week container that includes:

  • A Welcome and Goal-Setting Meeting

  • A Postural and Functional Movement Assessment & Pilates session

  • 11 private Pilates sessions

  • 4 SPRe bodywork and/or breathwork sessions

  • A Next Steps Meeting

If you are feeling a tug at your heart, we’d love to invite you to join the brave souls who have said YES to themselves by stepping into this container.

Like Stephanie, who has gotten MAJOR relief from the chronic back pain that has plagued her for the last decade.

And Becky, who started the Accelerator when she was ten months postpartum, and used it to reclaim her TIME and reconnect with herself as a WHOLE PERSON, separate from her baby’s needs.

Click here for all the details…and if you’ve got questions, hit “reply” and ask away!


Meet Eric Isaac, Studio Evolve’s resident sound healer


Self care is the fuel, not the reward