Meet Chelsea, our post-pandemic joyful movement specialist!

So you USED to have a movement practice that worked for you, and then…

Well, everything in the world changed, and it’s hard to pinpoint exactly what happened but movement just isn’t a part of your routine anymore.

Maybe you were overwhelmed by stress and getting through the day-to-day, or you finally got sick of online classes. OR you’ve found that your body has changed (yep, it’s inevitable) and forms of exercise that used to feel good now put you at risk for injury.

You KNOW that a smart, effective movement practice would help to relieve stress, tension and pain and increase the energy and vitality you can bring to the rest of your life…but it’s just hard to find the motivation.

OF COURSE you’re having a hard time getting started again! These past two years have been soooo deeply stressful. And nothing seems to be returning back to the way it was before…so why would you easily or naturally pick up an old habit?

If we’re talking to you, we would LOVE to introduce you to Pilates teacher Chelsea Madsen-Kelleher.

Chelsea loves working with folks who have lost touch with their movement practice and want to try something new.

Over and over, her clients create NEW habits that they stick to over the long term.

Chelsea’s secret? She prioritizes joy, fun, and pleasure.

Yes - Chelsea believes that the BEST Pilates routine is the one you LOVE DOING - and what SHE loves doing is helping you find the movements and poses that actually bring you joy! Even if you identify as an exercise-hater who will do anything to avoid the gym.

If you’re new to our in-person services (or, you know, it’s been a couple years) we recommend you start with our 2 Private Sessions Intro Package. Click here to book your first two sessions with Chelsea!

P.S. The best way to get started working with Chelsea is with our 2 Private Sessions Intro Package. She will help you find movements you LOVE, and then recommend a regular Pilates program that works with your schedule AND helps you meet your goals!


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If you don’t know where you’re going, it doesn’t matter which way you go.