We Empower You to Start Feeling Better
These two homework options below will help you kick start your health and wellness journey on your own, or with the help of Studio Evolve. After giving these two back pain relief exercises a try, you will understand better how simple movements and actions can affect your overall back health.
Homework to help you relieve back pain
When it comes to your body, you are how you move (or, in many cases, how you don’t move). That’s because your body adapts to the position you assume for most of the day. And if you are just sitting all day or are crouched over all day while you work, your body will most likely develop that kind of posture. Developing such poor posture or poor movements will also lead to back pain.
So, to help you understand yourself better as well as the source of your back pain, check these out:
Your Back Health Homework #1:
Start noticing your movement patterns during your daily activities.
If you sit at a computer most days, check your desk set-up. Do your chair, monitor, and keyboard placement make it easy for you to maintain healthy posture throughout your workday?
How are you carrying your handbag or laptop bag? Slinging that weight over just one shoulder can throw off your spinal alignment. How does it feel if you carry the bag diagonally (across your body), or switch to a backpack and use both straps?
Are you reading this article while slouched over your phone with your neck craning forward? (You are definitely not alone here! We teach healthy alignment for a living and still catch ourselves doing this all the time!)
Try sitting while hinging your torso forward at your hips, keeping your spine straight. There should be a straight diagonal line from your tailbone through the crown of your head. Maintain this hinge and put your elbows on your thighs to support the weight of your torso. Now look down at your phone. Notice if this feels any different in your low back.
Your Back Health Homework #2:
Take short movement breaks throughout the day, whenever possible. These movement moments can be simple, and we promise you don’t have to get sweaty in order to feel the benefits!
Switch from sitting to standing, take a quick walk around the block, point and flex your feet, roll your wrists in one direction and then the other direction, roll your shoulders forward and back. The point is to move through a range of postures instead of getting stuck in one position.
Bonus Back Health Homework #3
Start a regular movement practice. It’s that simple. If you’re not confident that you’ll be able to stick to a program on your own, book a private Pilates session with us. If you’re in Seattle, we’re open in studio, or anywhere else online. Sometimes making the appointment is the hardest part. If you’re going to do something regularly, it has to be enjoyable! We get that. That’s where our amazing team of instructors comes in. We work with you to create a custom program that starts where you are and changes as you progress. A truly bespoke workout. We’ll get you to where you want to go.
“The facility, staff, and teachers at Studio Evolve are all great! My Instructor has been extremely helpful in both private sessions and classes. In the 10 months I’ve been going I feel very safe in her hands and have made vast improvements after having years of limitations because of sciatica.”