“I didn’t even try any other studios because I loved Studio Evolve right away!

Rebecca recently moved to Seattle from Minneapolis, and Pilates at Studio Evolve is one of the first consistent practices she’s been able to establish in her new city

“I just moved to Seattle from Minneapolis, and I had been doing Pilates there so I knew I wanted to find a Pilates studio.

“There were a handful of studios that I could walk to from my home, which was kind of amazing. But I didn’t even try any of the other ones because I just loved Studio Evolve right away!

“The teachers are really good at paying attention to each student and adapting their teaching to what you need. Even just knowing what springs you prefer for a certain exercise! I haven’t gotten that kind of attention in a group class at other places I’ve been to.

“I work from home and I’m on the computer all day. My lower back definitely gets sore and I get headaches.

“So I do Pilates as a part of my general fitness routine - as I get older, I want to stay on top of my health and moving my body regularly.

“It’s also really important to me to have energy during the day, and Pilates helps with that.

“And, I ALWAYS feel better when I walk out than when I walked in!

“I’ve even learned some tools for relieving my headaches that I can use when I’m at home. The other night I woke up and felt a headache coming on. I used some of the tools that I learned at Studio Evolve and it went away while I slept.

“I practice Pilates at Studio Evolve once a week, and I’ve also tried some of the other practices, like Gyrotonic, Breathwork, SPRe, and the sound bath, and I’ve gotten a lot out of them. It’s great to have access to so many different options for wellbeing in one studio.

“When you’re new to a city, it takes a while to establish things that are consistent in your life. I’m still figuring other stuff out, but this was one of the first things I was able to commit to - and that feels good.”

-Rebecca, Studio Evolve Member


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