Christina no longer lives in fear of pain.

“When I started The Accelerator, I was feeling creaky and old. I had chronic pain and limited range of motion in my neck and shoulders, and I knew that I needed—and wanted—to do something about it.

“But honestly, I had no idea how much it was impacting me until I started to feel better!  I’d been avoiding doing things because I was afraid they would hurt; I’d gotten so used to living that way I didn’t even realize I was doing it.

“After a month in The Accelerator, my daily pain levels have gone down from a 7 to a 3 or 4. Just one month has helped much more than I had hoped for.

“What surprised me the most was how gentle and restorative it all felt. I went into it thinking, ‘Pilates is going to kick my butt, and that’s how I’ll get into shape.’

“Instead, it has felt like a much-needed time of deep self-care. Kimmie is so intuitive in figuring out what’s happening with my body, and she always meets me where I’m at.

-Christina, Studio Evolve Accelerator Student

When Christina started The Accelerator, she was dealing with daily chronic pain related to arthritis and the aftermath of a frozen shoulder episode.

Before she made the leap, she asked us whether anyone had done The Accelerator and hadn’t gotten results. (Answer: Nope!) Because Christina was here for the RESULTS: more mobility, less pain, and getting back to doing the things she loved.

But still, Christina was surprised by how much The Accelerator has improved her quality of life. She’s experiencing huge amounts of pain relief, and even deeper relief ABOUT her pain relief - she no longer lives in FEAR of how much worse the pain could get.

And no, it didn’t kick her butt. Because that’s not how we work at Studio Evolve.

At Studio Evolve, we work WITH your body and the natural aging process, not against it. We offer movement and bodywork customized to each client’s needs - and we want you to feel GOOD while doing it.

Because if it feels good, you’ll actually commit to it.

Like Christina, who is continuing with a weekly Pilates and SPRe bodywork practice post-Accelerator, to maintain all the progress she has made.

The Accelerator is Evolve’s four-week program for folks who are ready to invest in their self-care practice for the long term, so that they can make progress with injuries, build strength while staying adaptable, and increase the energy and vitality they bring to their work, families, and relationships.

Click here to learn more and sign up!

P.S. The Accelerator includes 3 Pilates sessions and one SPRe bodywork session per week, plus bonuses. Click here for the full details!


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