How to set a goal

We start July 1!

We are getting excited for the Studio Evolve Summer Challenge!

To join the challenge, you’ll need to set a personal goal for the number of classes and/or private sessions you want to take in the 9-week challenge period: July 1 - September 1.

We’ve had fun coming up with fun prizes to help motivate you (click here for all the details) but of course the MOST valuable rewards are the results you’ll feel in your body and your life.

So how should you choose a goal?

Ultimately, it’s up to you…but we recommend picking a goal that feels challenging but doable - which can look very different at different points in your life.

Here are a few options we recommend:

1. Maintain: Set a goal to maintain the SAME number of weekly workouts you’ve been getting in for the past few months.

This is a smart choice if you have a busy summer - between travel plans and childcare needs, keeping up with your established self-care routine over the summer can be a big accomplishment!

A “maintain” goal will also work well if you only recently developed a Pilates practice and you’re still getting used to fitting it into your week, or if you’re satisfied with the results you’re already getting.

2. Expand: Set a goal to get in an extra workout SOME weeks - so if you typically come in once a week, you might choose a goal of 11-15 classes or sessions over the 9-week period.

An “expand” goal works well if you keep up with your current routine without much drama, and you’re curious what benefits you might get from increasing the frequency of your practice.

3. Push: Set a goal to increase the frequency of your practice by once a week or more!

For most folks this would be a goal of 18-27 classes/sessions or more, depending on where you’re starting.

“Push” goals usually work best during periods in your life when you’re already in transition - say you’re entering retirement, changing jobs, beginning or ending a relationship or transitioning to life as an empty-nester.

That’s because when ALL your routines are changing, it’s easier to make space for a more audacious goal.

We know that everyone’s summer looks different this year, and we believe it’s important to honor the season of life that you’re in - that’s why we made this challenge a choose your own adventure!

We start on July 1.

Click here for all the details (including the prizes!) and to sign up!

P.S. YES we can temporarily upgrade your membership if you want to experiment with practicing more frequently - hit “reply” and tell us how many classes you’d like to take this summer, and we’ll help you get set up!


The “hope molecule”


Pilates for pelvic floor strength and resilience