Jill Ableson

SPRe® Theory & Methodology Founder, Practitioner Trainer & Practitioner, she/her

Jill’s somatic journey began in 1990 after an emergency c-section which led her to see Michael Reams (Seattle), Certified Rolfer®, to help recover from that experience. These sessions and Bill Moyers’ Healing and the Mind and the research of Candace Pert PhD, were the catalyst for pursuing her Certification at the Rolf® Institute. The concept of Structural Reality–Dr. Rolf’s organizing principle–is the foundation of the Rolf® training.

While completing her training, Jill was curious about a more dynamic process; how to actively engage the client in collaborating with the practitioner, instead of the practitioner imposing a treatment upon the client. Jill sought a more cooperative model that would enlist client participation in the work. Annie Duggan and Janie French, Duggan/French Approach (DFA), were instructors at the Rolf® Institute who pursued this avenue apart from the Institute. Jill studied DFA, became a Certified Practitioner and Instructor and worked with Annie and Janie for over 13 years in Seattle, WA and Barcelona, Spain.

In 2006, integrating structural principles, while focusing on a collaborative, dynamic approach to creating somatic structural integrity that focuses on client empowerment, Jill partnered with Martine Dedek to develop Somatic Personal Resonance Education SPRe®, bringing the theory and practice to its current evolution. In 2017, the Secretary of Health granted SPRe® approval to the Somatic Education Training Program in the State of Washington.

Jill has a private practice at Studio Evolve and is available for in person sessions.

Have a question for Jill or curious to try SPRe?


Kimmie Davison