Self Love & Acceptance: How we live our values

At Studio Evolve, we strive to create an environment where everyone can access self-love and acceptance.

At Studio Evolve, one of our Core Values is Self-Love & Acceptance. We believe that everyone deserves to feel comfortable in their bodies, and a movement practice should NOT be fueled by shame or guilt.

But so many gyms and fitness studios leverage shame in their marketing and the way they talk to their clients.

Mainstream fitness messaging about losing weight, “getting fit” and “transforming your body” often implies that the way you are right now is not OK.

And often, group classes follow a set format, and beginners, folks with injuries, and anyone who can’t keep up is left to struggle - which can activate all those “not good enough” stories for some folks.

That’s not how we roll at Studio Evolve.

You won’t hear our teachers encourage you to “work off that birthday cake” or “get ready for bathing suit season.”

Instead, we strive to create an environment where everyone can access self-love and acceptance.

So instead of trying to get their students bodies to conform to a predetermined idea of what fitness “should” look like, our teachers adapt the way they teach to the humans who are actually in front of them.

They’ll always be ready with modifications and variations to help you find something you CAN do.

That’s one reason our client Jillian loves Studio Evolve.

“When you go to a gym, it’s a little intimidating - you feel that you might be judged because you’re not in good enough shape,” says Jillian.

“But what I learned is that at Studio Evolve, ANYTHING can be adjusted to meet my current level of fitness.”

If you are looking for a shame-free movement practice designed to support you in your journey towards self-love, we invite you to join us.

The best way to get started is with a 2-Private Session Intro Offer. Click here to learn more!

P.S. At Studio Evolve, your teacher will meet you where you’re at and adapt the practice to YOU - because where you’re at is not a problem.

Click here to join us. You’re right on time.


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